19 - Editorial
75 anni di editoria
28 - Ruolo della fermentazione microbica nella riduzione di FODMAPs in impasti per panificazione: potenziale strategia per la gestione della sindrome dell’intestino irritabile
A. Reale - F. Galgano - S. Nazzaro - P. Marena - T. Di Renzo
Irritable bowel symptoms (IBS) are associated with the consumption of FODMAPs, fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols, which are found in many foods, including cereals and baked goods, dairy products, fruits, legumes and vegetables.
Recent studies have identified microbial fermentation as a potential strategy to reduce the content of FODMAPs in leavened baked products. The microorganisms involved are mainly yeasts and lactic acid bacteria which, in addition to contributing to the leavening of bread and defining its quality and sensory characteristics, can potentially reduce the FODMAPs content, making bread more digestible for people with food sensitivities. The objective of the present study was to characterize and select strains of lactic acid bacteria based on their behavior toward FODMAPs during fermentation of breadmaking doughs.
36 - Cereali
40 - Milling
44 - Bread making
50 - Pasta
54 - Feedstuff
66 - Machinery
74 - New products
76 - News
86 - Agenda
92 - Books
96 - Companies