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36 - Tecnica Molitoria

The Italian milling journal since 1950


39 - Marketing

The maize flour market to 2031 - Feed premix market trend


44 - Cereals

Updates on the world cereal market - FAO forecasts on cereal supplies in 2022/23 -New purple and red rice varieties - To enhance wheat yield - Europe’s first GE wheat trial produces less acrylamide - Strengthening sorghum against a fungal threat - Grain silage rehydrated with water or acid whey


54 - Milling

Preharvest and flour quality - Variability of carbohydrate composition and pasting properties of oat - Increases iron and zinc concentrations in wheat flour - Hydrothermal treatment parameters on oat grinding - Comparative study of separate and mixed fine grinding methods


60 - Feedstuff

Polyphenols, isoflavonoids, and their metabolites in milk samples - Exhausted bergamot by-product for pigs - Protein sources for cattle diet - Energy reduced diets for broiler - Feed supplementation with silage in pigs - Sustainable business models for insect-fed poultry production


66 - Pasta

Addition of high-amylose wheat - Raspberry powder as a functional ingredient - Rapid detection of common wheat flour addition to durum wheat flour - Spirulina enriched gluten free protein maize (QPM) pasta - Optimization of pasta supplemented with tef and chickpea flours - Gluten-free pasta enriched with protein


72 - Bread

Sodium chloride substitution with Salicornia ramosissima powder - Properties and in vitro digestibility of a bread enriched with lentil flour - Addition of wheat bran - Bran particle size on rheology properties and baking quality of whole wheat flour - X-Ray microtomography of a white bread from plasma functionalized flour - Effect of wheat and barley malt addition - Gluten composition and baking quality of wheat


80 - Machinery and equipment

Molitecnica Sud: Italian milling and food culture around the world - Production lines for pasta, couscous and snack pellets - Single Shaft Ribbon Blender - Pasta scraps recovery - New complete plant for storage and rapid bulk return of meat flour - Business between the Rummo pasta factory and Cusinato has been strenghtened - Mobile hopper - New automatic bagging machine - Brushes for milling - Complementary systems for pasta production lines - Avantgarde packaging machines - New goals in Africa for Ocrim - The solution for sorting and grading cereals with maximum accuracy - Micro powder dosing systems - Hygienical storage systems and handling systems - Semi-automatic spre sampler - Fava’s research achieves new objectives - Creativity and professionality, the winning combination - Cimas in a strategic continent - Accessories for milling industry


111 - News

The seek for nutrient-dense foods - A new identity - Olocco joins the VDL Groep


114 - Agenda

Retail Plaza by TuttoFood, the format to discuss the future of retail - Trade show Solids gets Italian flair - Host 2023, where innovation gets a sneak preview - In Rome the Symposium on gluten free cereals - Diary of international events in Italy and worldwide events


119 - Supplier directory


128 - Advertisers index - Companies index

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