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TMI 2018 cop


TECNICA MOLITORIA Vol. 68 N. 19/A - 2018


Flatbreads: ancient products with a future life
A. Pasqualone

After a description of the production of flatbreads, with a particular focus on the baking methods, this article reviews the food technology studies on flatbreads over the last ten years. Due to its widespread geographical distribution and high frequency of consumption, flatbread has been considered a suitable carrier for increasing the dietary intake of several microelements and vitamins. Furthermore, the addition of several functional ingredients to flatbread formulation has been widely experimented, mostly of vegetable origin (legume flours and protein isolates, fruit by-products, fenugreek seeds, white mulberry extract, tomato pomace), but also of animal origin, such as whey-based ingredients. Other important research topics regarding flatbreads include quality improvement and shelf life extension, as well as gluten-free formulations.


64 - Tecnica Molitoria
The Italian milling magazine Tecnica Molitoria, since 1950

66 - Museums
The Freidano Ecomuseum: production landscapes along the Po River (V.A. Lupo, M. Sasanelli)

72 - Cereal handling & storage
Warehouse Robots for loading and unloading - Revamping and renovation of concrete storage: Mulmix a new frontier

78 - Feed & pet food
High efficiency palletising for discounters at Inspired Pet Nutrition - Feed and aquaculture: ensure the future by reducing production costs

84 - Pasta production
Fava constructs plants by listening to requests from users - Dies and inserts, automatic cutting groups, stamping machines, die washing machines for pasta and snack plants - The study, design and construction of tailormade pasta plants - Turn-key plants for dry pasta production - Storci offers customization which is planned in their training centre

96 - Ingredients
Enzymatic solutions for milling and food industries

98 - Sorting
Full-Colour sorting ensures allergenicfree and healthy grains

100 - Milling equipment
Plansichter upgrading with tailor-made new frames - Machines and plants for milling, feed and pasta industries - Design, manufacturing, assembly and constant assistance for milling plants - The new generation of Roller Mill

108 - Packaging
Packaging machines for the food industry - State-of-the-art filling and packaging machines

110 - Ancillary equipment
Electric and pneumatic vibrators for any need - Technical items, ancillary and spare parts for mills and pasta factories - Valves and components for pneumatic conveying and metering - Italian industrial brushes for mills, feed mills and pasta industries - Spare parts and accessories for flour and feed mills

116 - Supplier news
Pavan and GEA join forces for the first time at Anuga FoodTec - A campus, high level training, events, conferences at the avant-garde research centre in Jolanda di Savoia (E. Martino) - Anselmo celebrates its 40th anniversary strengthening the brand in the world of dry pasta equipment - Molitecnica Sud: experience, innovation and satisfaction - Group Pack from San Marino in the world

126 - Events
Wheats & Women international conference and Carlotta Award - Ipack-Ima food processing and packaging within The Innovation Alliance at Fiera Milano - Diary of international events in Italy and worldwide events

133 - Supplier directory

144 - Index of advertisers - Index ofcompanies mentioned in this issue

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